H-CHP Workshops for Professionals - Documentation and Videos

CHP Renewables Communities Report

Small-scale wood-fired CHP units for buildings and building blocks

Combining H-CHP with other household systems 3

Example Alpua

Fostering energy secure communities using renewables and efficiency 3

H-CHP Electric Power grid options S2019_2 (1)


NPA Project_Deliverable T1_3_Fuel Supply chain 3

NPA Project_Deliverable T1_4_Optimal CHP 3


CHP workshop Ireland 17.9.2019

CHP workshop Luleå 11.9.2019

CHP workshop Oulu 9.9.2019 - Markku Kananen

Volter presentation Sep 9th 2019

SW Workshop Reykjavik

SW Workshop Oulu

SW Workshop Lulea

SW Workshop Ireland

gasifier from UI Version 2.0

Ermen Magnetic Presentation

Short introduction to design of micro-CHP prototype

Gasification_H-CHP video

Combined Heat and Power CHP Video

CHP Legislative Framework Video

CHP Supply Chains Video