Project webinar article

For the Micro Combined Heat and Power System for Households H-CHP

Ollila, Heikki. Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Takalo, Heidi. Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Kananen, Markku. University of Oulu.

To see the report please Click Here

H-CHP Webinar held 2nd November 2020

On 2nd November the H-CHP project team held a webinar detailing the details and progress of the project.

To view recording of the Webinar Click Here

To see all related Documentation Click Here

H-CHP Workshops for Professionals

Recently workshops were held in Oulu-Finland, Lulea-Sweden, Donegal-Ireland, Reykjavik-Iceland, Stornoway-Western Isles Scotland. The purpose of our workshops is to raise awareness of Household Combined Heat and Power (H-CHP) and to engage with stakeholders. Professional stakeholders were able to gain an understanding of H-CHP, feed into the programme and support its development. We aim to engage those with an interest in CHP at a household and community level, considering energy production and reduction in the home, use of biofuels, synthetic gas and promote new and current supply chains.

For more information on Workshop and Presenters Click Here

To see all Documentation used at the Workshops Click Here

Feedback from the workshops, includes information about all aspects of the workshops, including discussion points and questions. Click Here

H-CHP Community

The H-CHP Community is your chance to meet the team, find out up to date information and share ideas about helping to increase the take up of household combined heat and power systems. You can help influence the development of systems, including the engineering and electronics available. There is the opportunity to put questions to the partnership that runs the H-CHP project, or find contact details for each to make direct contact. We have three ways to participate:

Contact us via our Facebook page. Facebook

Contact us via our LinkedIn page. LinkedIn

Contact Partners directly via their website below.........