High Frequency Induction Technology for advanced Materials Processing (InTeMP) began in August of 2019 to continue the work that NorFaST-HT started.
The InTeMP project reinforces the research facilities of the community and research cooperation between the Nordic countries. The aim is to develop new cost-efficient manufacturing processes to reduce the carbon footprint of the steel industry, but also to create laboratory scale research environments to study extremely short heat treatment cycles (less than 0.1 seconds) for fundamental understanding. InTeMP is funded by Interreg Nord of the European Regional Development Fund. InTeMP project consists of the academic partners University of Oulu Future Manufacturing Technologies research group, Lund University, Swerim Luleå, and industrial partners SSAB, MagComp, TL Solutions, RAKJ, Teknikum, Recion and Miilux.
The project is funded by the Regional Council of Lapland together with the Interreg Nord Programme of the European Regional Development Fund.
The NorFaST-HT -project was executed to establish the "Nordic Community for Fast Steel Heat Treatments", having resources and expertise for design and simulation of customer-based heat treatments. The project consortium included universities at Oulu, Luleå and Lund, in addition to a research organisation SWERIM in Luleå. The industrial partners were SSAB, Outokumpu, Miilux, Swebor Stål, Olofsfors and MagComp. The project included different research activities such as induction technology development, establishing new laboratories and material development.
The project was active 5/2015 - 10/2018. You can read the final technical report here. This report describes the main achievements and future chances which have been realized during the project.